Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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Automatic install process fails: Should the install program provided fail
for any reason, follow the procedure for manually installing the program
given below. Note that you will be unable to convert an existing Folders
system using the manual install procedure.
No previous version installed:
1. Copy the files sloopman.exe, and sloopman.hlp to your Windows directory.
Copy the file slpman.ini to sloopman.ini to your Windows directory and
rename it sloopman.ini. Copy the files bwcc.dll and smtools.dll to your
Windows systems directory.
2. Create a subdirectory of your Windows directory called SLOOPMAN. Note
this step may be skipped. Any existing directory may be used instead.
3. Copy the files sloopman.fl1, sloopman.icl, grpconv.exe, and smtrash.exe
to the Sloop Manager data directory created in step 2.
4. Edit the file sloopman.ini in the following manner using a text editor
such as Notepad. Under the section name [Folders Directory] edit the
path= line to read:
where <directory> is the directory created in step 2. Note the
backslash at the end of the name. An example line would be:
5. If you want to use Sloop Manager as the shell, edit the system.ini file
with an editor such as Notepad. Change the shell= line to read
6. You may convert and install your Program Manager groups into Sloop
Manager at this point. Run the program grpconv.exe located in your
sloopman data directory.
7. Finally, from the File Manager, using the associate command under the
File menu, associate sloopman.exe with FL1 files.
Previous version installed:
1. If currently using v1.2x, simply copy the files sloopman.exe and
sloopman.hlp to your Windows directory. Copy the file smtools.dll
to your Windows system directory.
2. If using v1.1x or earlier, follow the procedure for no previous version
installed. You will be unable to maintain your old version.
That's it. You should now be able to run Sloop Manager as you would any
program. Or, if installed as the shell, simply restart Windows.
Subfolder item accidentally deleted: Should you accidentally lose a
subfolder item, either by deleting it with the Delete Item command rather
than the Delete Subfolder command or through some other misfortune, the
folder can be recovered. To recover a lost folder, follow the steps below.
1. Open the file sloopman.ini with a program such as Notepad. This file
should be in your Windows directory unless moved by you.
2. Under the section [Folder List], find the name of the folder you wish to
recover. To the right of the equal sign will be a DOS file name with a
name similar to FLDxxxx.FL1, where xxxx is some number. Make a note of
this name. Close the INI file.
3. From the folder you wish to restore the lost folder to, select the Add
Item command. Go to your sloopman data directory, which was created
when the program was installed. Find the file whose name you recorded
in step 2. Select it and hit OK.
4. In the name input box which appears after you hit OK in step 3, enter
the name of the lost folder. Click on OK.
A new folder icon representing the lost folder should now appear. It may
now be treated in the same manner as any other folder.
Deleting a folder whose password you've forgotten: If you need to delete a
folder, but have forgotten the password the following procedure may be
followed to remove it from the Sloop Manager system.
1. Select the folder you wish to delete and execute the Properties command.
Make a note of the file name.
2. Delete the item using the Delete Item command. Save the parent folder.
3. Go to your sloopman data directory and delete the file whose name you
made a note of in step 1.
4. Restart Sloop Manager. The folder should now be deleted.
Icons appear scrambled: Should the icons used to display folder items not
appear correctly, do the following. First, check what video mode you are
running in. Specifically, the number of colors being provided. Sloop
Manager supports up to 32000 color modes. It does not support CGA (4 color)
Should you be running in 256 or 32000 color mode and the icons are
scrambled, try this fix. Edit the file SLOOPMAN.INI with an editor like
Notepad. Under the section [Defaults], find the line which reads:
Color mode=0. Edit it to read:
Color mode=256
Color mode=32000
This forces the program to run in 256 or 32000 color mode. Note that it
will no longer run properly in 16 color mode. To run in 16 color mode
change the 256 in the line to 16 or to 0 for auto-sense mode. If you are
still unable to get the icons to appear correctly, contact customer support.
System crash occurs when starting Windows with Sloop Manager as the shell:
Provided with the program is a file called slpman.exe. Copy this file to
your Windows directory. Edit the system.ini file with Notepad or
equivalent. Change the line which reads 'shell=<whatever>' to
'shell=slpman.exe'. Restart Windows. Sloop Manager should now be able to
run as the Windows shell.